Lil' Guy

Lil' Guy is a 7-year-old, neutered toy poodle. He is the love of his ‘mom’s’ life. Lil’ Guy had such severe periodontal (dental) disease that it was threatening his life. May (his mom) was referred to specialty hospital, Dentistry for Animals by his regular veterinarian at Harden Ranch Veterinary. May was beside herself. Being a senior on a very small fixed income, she didn’t know how she could afford the nearly $2500 for his life-saving surgery. Generally, BirchBark does not fund dental care, however upon examinging him, dental specialist Dr. Judy Force determined his severe periodontal disease and bone loss would need major surgery to treat his infection and try to correct his dental disease or he might lose his jaw. BirchBark stepped in and was able to cover the major portion of Lil’ Guy’s surgery. He’s now adjusted his eating habits to having less teeth and otherwise, he is healing beautifully.