

Just over three years ago, Ditto's temporary caretaker became Ditto's forever mom when the handsome curly-haired pup's original family never came back to reclaim him. Told to "just take him to the shelter," Ditto's mom knew that Ditto deserved more than that. She was right; Ditto was meant for greater things.

Ditto and his mom have formed a tight bond. Ditto's mom, who suffers from hearing loss, says, "He is my protector, he is my ears, he is my companion. I have grown to love him so much. I can sleep in peace because I have him with me! I know the universe sent him to me. We need each other."

Recently, the bond between Ditto and his mom was at risk: Ditto had bladder stones that required treatment his mom, a disabled veteran, could not afford. In cooperation with our friends at Peace of Mind Dog Rescue, we were able to provide Ditto the treatment he needed, so that he could stay with the family who needs him.