
Scarlet is a two and a half year old Doberman. She’s the loving companion and Service Dog for her dad, Nick. Scarlet was having routine spay surgery and post-operatively began hemorrhaging. She was rushed to BirchBark’s Associate Member hospital Pacific Veterinary Emergency. Nick is  a US Army Combat Veteran who served in Iraq. He and Scarlet have been together since she was 8 weeks old. Nick suffers from PTSD and lives on disbility income.  He had already spent every spare dollar he had for Scarlet’s spay surgery. BirchBark Foundation provided the grant for Scarlet to get the special blood and platelet transfusion she needed to save her life. She was able to go home the next day and has recovered fully. Special Note: Doberman’s can carry Von Willebrand factor that may cause a bleedng disorder similar to hemophilia in humans. If you have a Doberman make certain your veterinarian checks your pet for the Von Willebrand factor