Buddy Girl

Buddy Girl is a sweet 6-year-old German shepherd mix. She’s been a loving ‘fur child’ and member of her family since she was 6 weeks old. Her ‘dad’ Rudolph is a single parent, struggling to make ends meet, raising and home schooling his young daughter Mary. In early March, Buddy Girl stopped eating, became very lethargic and began having intestinal problems. Following initial treatment at BirchBark Associate Member hospital Harden Ranch Veterinary, Buddy Girl wasn’t improving. She was transferred to Associate Member Pacific Veterinary Specialists and Emergency Service. There she could be monitored 24/7, stabilized and further diagnostics could be performed. Buddy Girl was diagnosed with diabetes and a form of diabetes Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) was suspected. She was a very sick little girl.  BirchBark Foundation was able to provide the funds to keep Buddy Girl hospitalized for several days, get her treated and stabilized and on the right regimen of medications for her diabetes. She’s doing great now. She will always need to be watched and treated for her diabetes, but with proper diet and health management she has a positive prognosis and is now back in her loving home.  For more information on diabetes visit http://tinyurl.com/o5b59pd.

A Personal Note from Buddy Girl’s ‘Dad’ Rudolph

Where to begin with Buddy Girl—She was given to us at our home in Bronson, Michigan by a young newspaper kid.  She was so meek and quite when we first saw her. As soon as my daughter Mary caught sight of her, the two were inseparable. Buddy girl found her way into our hearts and became an extra ‘daughter’ to me and Mary's best friend. Buddy Girl would watch over Mary as they both played house, camping in Mary's room with a tent set up and playing dress-up with Mary’s wardrobe—of course cut special to let Buddy Girl's tail out. Buddy soon blossomed out into her role as a fur child/daughter/friend. She’d go everywhere with us in our small, rural town in Michigan. As a single dad the love of both Mary and Buddy Girl is unexplainable. Even into her young phase of life, as we made our way to California, Buddy Girl has provided a solidifying force that  binds us together as a family, always smiling and eager to participate in any family outing. I really have to wonder why they called them dogs, which when you turn that name around, spells GOD. As I write this story for your readers, it brings tears to my eyes to know that Buddy Girl was so sick and we could have lost her. Buddy Girl made her way into my heart and Mary's. She's my fur child blessed to us from above to solidify the cement in our small family with her love.  Words are not enough to convey our sincere appreciation for your support. BirchBark Foundation has given us back our loving Buddy Girl and my daughter Mary Grace and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts. God Bless you and all that you do.

You are Angels!—Rudolph and Mary Grace


Spike is an adorable seven-month old pit bull puppy. He was experiencing a very uncomfortable problem known as rectal prolapse. Minor procedures weren't correcting the problem and his owners, who have a very limited income, were fast running out of funds. BirchBark along with Associate Member hospital Animal Hospital of Salinas was able to help provide funds and the care needed to surgically and medically address the problem. Spike is now recovering and doing great. His family doesn’t speak English and Animal Hospital of Salinas provided translation for his case.

Spike's ‘dad’ sent us this note (translated) after his surgery: Dear BirchBark, my name is Juan I’m just writing this to thank you for what you did for our pet Spike. Our kids thank you as well, now they say that they'll be able to sleep knowing that Spike will be home soon. Once again I wanna thank you Bunny and thank the birch bark foundation because with out people like you, our pet Spike wouldn't of had his surgery. Thank you.


Kiki is an energetic, 8-year-old loving and gentle dog that just loves to play and who dearly loves her ‘Dad’ Howard. The story of Kiki and Howard is one that is intricately tied together. Howard is a 69-year-old man who has spent most of his life waging an uphill challenge for survival and dignity. As a result of a traumatic brain injury as a young man, Howard is developmentally disabled and lives with full time caregiver support. After years in the state hospital system, Howard now is part of an independent living program run by Mainstream Support, Inc. Howard’s health progress and goals are evaluated every three months by a team of state and agency professionals. At every meeting Howard’s number one goal was to have a dog. Then, in 2006 his dream came true¬—he became the ‘dad’ to a Kiki, a Brindle Staffordshire Terrier puppy.
Both Kiki and Howard have thrived together. Howard’s emotional stability greatly improved after he adopted Kiki. He became more involved in life and became a more active working member of the Santa Cruz community. There’s no doubt Kiki is a positive influence on Howard’s health and wellbeing.
In early spring, Kiki suddenly became extremely ill.  She was diagnosed with acute renal failure but the cause couldn’t be determined. She was transferred from her regular veterinarian at Adobe Veterinary Hospital to Pacific Veterinary Specialists, both BirchBark Associate Member hospitals.  Howard’s funds are extremely limited. BirchBark Foundation was called and was able to step in and help support Kiki’s hospitalization for a several days while she was stabilized with antibiotics and fluids and extensive diagnostic tests were done to determine the cause. Howard’s caregivers, Mark and Adam stayed by his side and communicated daily with BirchBark regarding Kiki’s progress.
Kiki slowly began to improve. The laboratory results showed that she was suffering from Leptospirosis, a serious bacterial infection. She remained in the ICU at Pacific Veterinary Services for another two weeks. Howard’s caregivers and others who care deeply about keeping Howard and Kiki together were able to contribute subsequent funds.
Kiki now receives care at home and is still on antibiotics, IV fluids and a special diet. To the casual observer she displays no sign of illness. She continues to make steady improvement toward a full recovery. 
Please make a gift to BirchBark today! Your donation can help us save other pets like Kiki


Ruby is a 20-month old Rhodesian Ridgeback. She is as a perfect blend of enthusiasm and  love. One day about a month ago Ruby became very lethargic, stopped eating, began to vomit and have diarrhea. Her ‘mom’ Sherry rushed her to their regular veterinarian who provided IV hydration and antibiotics. She wasn’t any better the next day and was referred to our associate member hospital Pacific Veterinary Specialists and Emergency Service. Ruby had been in distress for a few days. She was suffering from an abdominal/intestinal blockage. Sherry has just spent her last savings at the two hospitals and was faced with the possibility of having to euthanize Ruby.

Left alone in the examining room, Ruby could hardly stand but put her head on Sherry’s knee and reached up to lick her face. It was then that Sherry was told about BirchBark and we quickly stepped in to help save Ruby’s life. Dr. Coleen Brady at Pacific performed emergency surgery and discovered an abundance of sand was causing the blockage in Ruby’s intestines and stomach. After a few days of post operative care, Ruby was sent home and is now on the mend and her usual playful self. Sherry is grateful to BirchBark for “saving the life of this beautiful and loving dog, who is so much more than a dog to me and those that know her.”




Sarabi is a 5 year old bengal cat. She is very playful, vocal, and affectionate. She and her best pal and companion, Bird (the cat) love to play together! One day Sarabi stopped eating, drinking, and going to her litterbox. Her ‘mom’ rushed her to the vet for a series of tests and xrays. On the third day, she had a fever and it was determined that she needed emergency surgery. In surgery, they discovered that something she ate had punctured her colon and formed a fast growing internal abscess. The costs for veterinary care and medications skyrocketed and there was concern she might not survive. Sarabi’s mom was able to pay for much of Sarabi’s surgery but her funds ran out and she was not able to cover all of Sarabi’s overnight care and medical treatment. Birchbark Foundation was able to step in and authorize an emergency stipend to Associate Member hospital VCA Santa Cruz.  Sarabi was able to get the care she needed and she is quickly on the mend. Sarabi’s mom, Mariah is so grateful to have her baby back!


Chewi is a 3.5 pound, Miniature Yorkshire Terrier who just showed up on the side porch of a Salinas family home one day. Chewi had either been abused and unloved in someone’s back yard or a stray for a long time.  He was dehydrated, very undernourished, and shaking from the cold.  It took over an hour just to cut the burrs, foxtails, leaves and twigs from his filthy coat, with masses of burrs being shoved up between his legs and body so he could walk— only with difficulty— and two baths to get only the worst of the dirt off, but there was so much more to do for him.

Upon closer examination at Associate Member hospital, Harden Ranch Veterinary, Dr. Serene Onuma found that Chewi had a ripped and badly healed area on his groin, leaving him exposed. Further x-ray examination showed, a fractured pelvis, a very arthritic left hip joint without the full range of motion, and a perineal hernia of the bladder through the abdominal wall. Chewi’s new ‘mom and dad’ were able to cover the costs of some preliminary treatment. However, his ‘dad’ has been unemployed for over a year and they fast exhausted their ability to continue needed treatment.

BirchBark Foundation was contacted and helped pay for Chewi’s second, much more expensive surgery to repair the hernia with a special mesh. Traveling surgeon and Associate Member, Dr. Jim Roush, performed the surgery at Harden Ranch Veterinary. Chewi’s hip fracture and joint problem still remain, but since he is so light in weight the doctor thinks he can wait a while to see what the best solution to that problem might be.  Chewi has learned to adapt to the bad hip, and his new guardians know there may be challenges ahead. In the meantime, Chewi is at home with a new bed, a stuffed toy pig, and an older Chihuahua sister who babies him, plus all the food, medicine and lots of love he needs.

Chewi’s dad wrote to BirchBark: “Thanks to Harden Ranch, Drs. Onuma and Roush, and BirchBark Foundation who came through when the family had exhausted all other financial avenues to help him recover from these serious issues.  There is absolutely no doubt that without this corrective surgery and other medical care, provided in large part by BirchBark and their kind donors, Chewi would have died in misery.”

Please make gift to BirchBark today! Your donation can help us save other pets like Chewi!


Bubba is a three year old male domestic long hair cat whose purpose in life is to comfort his family…especially his human ‘sister’—12 year old Rebecca.  His home is often in turmoil and chaos. His ‘mom’ is disabled and also takes care of Bubba’s special needs teenage human ‘brother.’ Since his adoption at eight-weeks, Bubba has always been the calming force in the family. One evening Bubba’s family knew something was very wrong and took him to Associate Member Hospital Pacific Veterinary Specialists & Emergency Service. Bubba had a severe urinary blockage and needed to be hospitalized in order to save his life.

Bubba’s ‘mom’ paid all that she could but it was a fraction of what was needed for his care. She was told about BirchBark Foundation. BirchBark, along with the hospital’s Associate Member discount from Pacific Veterinary, stepped in and covered the rest of Bubba’s medical expenses. He recovered well in the hospital and was dismissed after two nights. BirchBark Foundation was also able to get special diet food donated from Hill’s and Bubba is now home taking care of his best friend Rebecca again.

Please make gift to BirchBark today! Your donation can help us save other pets like Bubba!


Angelious, nicknamed Jelli, is a 2-year-old neutered male domestic short-haired cat. He was born in the animal shelter with his six siblings—they were all adopted right away. Jelli was born deaf, so he was considered undesirable by most people. That is until Kat (now his mom) saw Jelli at an adoption event. Kat herself felt “broken” due to her own health problems. As a result of Jelli’s deafness, Kat felt a connection with him right away and knew that he was the special guy for her. It was love at first scratch. The paperwork was done and Jelli became part of Kat’s family.

Jelli grew up from a little skinny kitten to a huge adult cat and was perfectly healthy until recently when he developed a urinary blockage due to crystals in his bladder. He was taken to BirchBark Associate Member, Pacific Veterinary Hospital and Emergency Service. Jelli was diagnosed with a urethral blockage. He was in a lot of pain and very sick. The doctors moved quickly and when Kat was told that to save Jelli’s life the cost could be as much as $2,000-2,500 she realized she was faced with having to put her beloved "broken buddy" to sleep. She was able to pay a portion initially, but Jellie would need to be kept in the hospital for several days of treatment. That was when she was told about BirchBark. BirchBark stepped in—along with the help of the Pacific’s BirchBark discount—and was able to help cover the additional costs for Jelli’s treatment.

Jelli is recovering well at home and is back to playing and yelling for attention. Kat and Jelli are reunited and Kat is so grateful to have had the help to save her dear feline friend.

Please make a gift today. You can help us save other pets like Jelli!


Persephone is a 5-year-old female full of love. Her ‘dad’ Diego was there for her birth. She was given to him by his best friend when his female had puppies. Persephone is a snuggler. Ever since she was a puppy, she would climb up to a shoulder and sleep there. Even now, at 50 pounds, she still tries to snuggle up on someone’s shoulder. She became the daughter Diego’s family never had.

When Persephone began vomiting and not eating, her dad knew something was very wrong. When he took her to BirchBark Associate Member hospital, Animal Hospital of Salinas he found out that she could die if she didn’t have emergency surgery to remove her uterus. The condition, called Pyometra, is not uncommon in un-spayed females. It was definitely a financial burden for Diego’s family. Birchbark Foundation was able to help take care of Persephone’s surgery and with the help of Animal Hospital of Salinas Diego says, "She’s now better than ever. We as a family will never forget how much the Birchbark Foundation has helped us and we will be forever greatful. Thanks again to you and the foundation for all that you have done for us."

Please make gift to BirchBark today! Your donation can help us save other pets like Persephone!


Bailey is a 4-year-old male cat who means the world to  his ‘dad’ Chris. Chris rescued Bailey through the SPCA when he was 3 months old.  They have been best buddies ever since. One night, Bailey was struck by a car. He didn’t come home that night and Chris found Bailey the next morning crying and moaning. His damage was major. Bailey had a fractured tibia and pelvis along with road rash, bruising and no feeling in his tail. With little to no financial means to get surgery for Bailey, Chris reached out to BirchBark. A grant from BirchBark along with the discounted help of a our Associate Member Hospitals, Aptos-Creekside and Santa Cruz Veterinary, Bailey was able to get the surgery he needed to survive.  He is recovering well at home, safe and sound with his ‘dad’ Chris.

Please make gift to BirchBark today! Your donation can help us save other pets like Bailey!